Entry form

Please fill out our entry form. We will then contact you to create your individual ad on terrier.de.

ATTENTION: Breeders who are not organized in any of the three associations will not be included in our breeder lists.

If you are active on Facebook and/or Instagram, it would be nice if you would tell us your account name so that we can link the posts about your breeding to your account.

Only for Puppy Entries: (the next 4 fields)


We will coordinate the method of payment with you by email after receiving the form

This form collects personal data. This will be used solely for the purpose of displaying the ad you have placed on the Terrier.de presentations and for communication regarding this ad. Your data will not be used for any other purpose and will not be passed on to third parties. Your data will be deleted immediately after the ad has been closed.

ATTENTION: If you do not receive a response from us within 24 hours after sending this form confirming your entry, please contact us by email at info@terrier.de.